Showing posts with label Culture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Culture. Show all posts

Throughout all of my discussions throughout the years on the issue of abortion, I have found that all of these arguments -- from either side -- come down to one main issue: when are we considered human and/or when are we determined alive?

I am well aware that I go against the mainstream libertarian philosophy although, I believe that the mainstream is terribly wrong and terribly contradictory. This issue is hardly an emotional one for me rather, it is more of a logical one. Don't get me wrong, the aborting of innocent humans do hit me on an emotional level but, when it comes to philosophy and law-making, I focus on the logical side.

So then, here is my logic -- if we consider a human dead when their heart is no longer beating, should not we also consider a human alive when that heart beat begins? If this is true, then the aborting of a human is an act of violence, an initiation of force which is, contradictory to the very core of libertarianism. And, if one is not sure when to determine the beginning of human life, how many more negligent decisions would they make concerning human life?

This is not a matter of the right of the woman, it is a matter of a human life.

This is more of a rant then anything else on how I feel about the topic of alcohol. America has a big alcoholic problem and that is really no debate and it is especially a problem among the young people. As a personal choice, I have chosen to abstain from these destructive habits including drugs and tobacco. However, I have also grown to see that what is for me, is not for everyone else so, I respect other people's decisions to engage in that activity.

I don't criticize anyone for drinking, but it is ridiculous that I am heckled for not drinking. I have never engaged in it and plan to never to do it. I have seen the destructiveness with my own eyes and wish no part. It seems that no one can have respect that I do not do it.

Today in one of my classes, the topic of alcohol was brought up and my professor along with others seemed to have no problem with underage drinking and/or to use of alcohol to socialize or to get drunk.

Here are some interesting and discouraging facts about alcoholism among young people:

  • The average age when youth first try alcohol is 11 years for boys and 13 for girls. The average age at which Americans begin drinking regularly is 15.9 years old.
  • It has been estimated that over three million teenagers are out-and-out alcoholics.
  • The three leading causes of death for 15 to 24 year olds are automobile crashes, homicides and suicides -- alcohol is a leading factor in all three.

It pains me to see young people engaging in destructive activities. It is sad that it is now "cool" to get drunk and/or drinking. The problem here in does not lie with the government but, with the parents and no amount of government intervention can solve the problem. Parents have failed this generation miserably.

I am proud of myself for standing up in the face of temptation and sticking to my principles. And, even though I am one of few that does not engage in alcoholism, it is nice sometimes to be the few and strong.