Vague Understandings

I am finding it hilarious that those that try to argue against the philosophy of Libertarianism and/or Objectivism have a vague understanding of what they really mean. Some get the basic concept -- low taxes, more freedom -- but have no clue why the philosophy is made up of those values.

Unfortunately, I find myself distancing from the Libertarian Party. Part of this reason comes from the drug issue. It seems that most drug users embrace Libertarianism because the philosophy would dictate that the individual has the right to engage in the use and thus, they are happy to promote it because they would then have the right to use drugs. However, the soul problem herein, is the issue that these people give the party a bad reputation and until this problem can be addressed -- that is, the philosophy does not encourage drug use -- then it is hard for me to embrace the Libertarian Party. The party needs to teach principles and I see this lacking.

I am happy that the IPFW Campus Libertarians are not directly associated with the Libertarian Party. It is encouraging to see people who understand that it is a philosophy, not a party.


  1. Jennifer Jeffrey said...
    You would be surprised how many of the local, state and national candidates (let alone party members and leaders) are vehemently opposed to legalizing drugs.

    Within each party there are those who embrace fringe ideas.

    By no means do we, the local Libertarian Party (of Allen County) endorse drug use.

    There are lots of opinions about each issue, but we can agree the direction to go is towards less government. Few absolutes exist.

    Is there a specific incident which leads you to want to distance yourself from the local party?

    I would like to talk with you and others about this.
    Cory Craig said...
    I am more opposed to the whole party system than I am anything else.

    I know that most organizations and local party's do not support the use of drugs. However, it seems that some of the people that associate themselves with Libertarianism are those that are drug users.

    I do not understand how few absolutes exist. If we prescribe to the Libertarian philosophy and call ourselves Libertarians, there are a lot of absolutes in the philosophy, particularly all of them, that we should follow.

    For right now, I suppose, I would rather be known as a classic liberal.
    Anonymous said...
    I understand your worries. There is a need for more clarification and education on the issue.

    I hope that this does not lead you to stray from the libertarian philosophy at any point in the future.
    Cory Craig said...
    It most definitely won't make me stray away from the philosophy.

    The only thing that I would stray from is the Libertarian Party.
    Anonymous said...
    You have a young skull full of mush and it shows. Come back in ten years and tell us how you feel then.
    Anonymous said...
    Mr. Harrington,

    By resorting to name calling and not providing any backing to your argument you are taking away from any credibility you might have. Please come back when you have something more worthwhile to say.
    Cory Craig said...
    Wow, I never even got an email showing that comment.

    I would like to know why my "skull is full of mush."

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