This is more of a continuation with my frustration with political parties. I have heard some (a few) Libertarians complain to the point that it is almost ridiculous, that Congressman Ron Paul is running for president with the wrong party and should be running on a Libertarian Party ticket because, well, that is were his principles are most generally aligned with. What does this matter? It means absolutely nothing and to complain about him running with the wrong party frustrates me terribly and is a complete waste of time.

It seems, at least to me, that loyalty to the party has overtaken the people to the point where they would complain about someone running for the wrong party. The main point that I am trying to make is that political parties just cause more problems than that which they try to solve. I know that it may seem that I am attacking the Libertarian Party and well, in some ways I am. All I know is that I need to stick to my principles and not a political party.

Ironically, I am now the vice-president of the IPFW Campus Libertarians. I am proud of this role and am glad that we seek to promote the philosophy of Libertarianism and Objectivism. We were also involved in the IPFW Voters Registration Drive that was featured in the News Sentinel and the president of the IPFW Libertarians, Kody Tinnel, was interviewed in it. The article can be read here.


  1. Anonymous said...
    I agree with your analysis on political parties. While I see some benefits to them in the areas of organization I do understand why the founding fathers did not want organized political factions. Too many people these days just vote for people of a certain party without actually knowing where the candidates stand on the issues.

    I should also note that today I got my first two Ron Paul shirts in the mail and will be proudly wearing them every chance I get.

    And there was a story in the New York Times today about Ron Paul's recent fundraising efforts. He is increasing the money taken in while the Republican frontrunners are decreasing. This is a great sign for the Ron Paul campaign, and the US in general.
    Jennifer Jeffrey said...
    I truly hope you get to know what the Libertarian Party of Allen County is like. There are very very good, dedicated people who have been with this since the beginning--none standing to gain in their business or any other kind of way other than to make change happen and make a difference in this world.

    It starts at home, changing how the world works. That is what we are dedicated to. Changing it right here. Changing how political parties work, how government works, and getting rid of the status quo.
    Cory Craig said...
    Unfortunately, those comments that I am frustrated with have been said by local Libertarians.
    Jennifer Jeffrey said...
    I truly hope you will come to get to know more than just the couple who showed up at the IPFW event. There is MUCH more behind the scenes to each and every person in this organization.

    Don't judge or slander the entire party because of one bad impression.
    Cory Craig said...
    I don't like political parties and that is the view that I am coming at this from.

    I have not used any slander whatsoever towards any party including the Libertarian Party.

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