Hillary Clinton announced today her plan to introduce universal healthcare here in the United States. The presidential candidate claimed that her plan is not government-run however, it will cost the government (or, the American people) $110 billion a year to run. This $110 billion increase in the Federal budget will come from higher taxation among the wealthy, Clinton claims.

According to Clinton, individuals who receive their healthcare through their work will be allowed to continue to do so and businesses, on the other hand, will be forced to offer insurance to their employees or, pay taxes to a government-run healthcare pool for those who do not have healthcare.

I am not sure how this plan is not government-run. Sure, the individual can choose to keep their own healthcare, but everyone will be mandated to have insurance. Not to mention the force which will be used to ensure that businesses are giving their employees healthcare. It is not totally socialist but pretty damn close.

I do not understand the concept that the rich should be forced to pay for the poor. I do not understand why I am forced to pay for some other persons inability to provide for themselves. Health care is not a right, it is a privilege and, until we understand that, our medicine and hospitals will continue to decline in efficiency and productivity.

I do not welcome this idea at all. Government programs only create more problems and we should have learned this from other countries that have already tried and failed at socialized medicine. We should have learned that socialized anything will ultimately fail.


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